06 September 2013

Aphaenogaster, heat-shock, and NCSU

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Week Notes 2-6 September

Travel to Dunn lab at NCSU for collecting Aphaenogaster samples for gene expression.

Relabeled transcriptome colonies with naming scheme:

Project name - numeric ID sorted by latitude south to north - character to differentiate colonies from same site

For example ApGXL-01-A is the first colony from Magnolia Springs, GA, the southernmost collected site and ApGXL-28-B is the second colony from Bradford Public Lands, Maine, the northernmost site collected.

Optimized protocol for heat-shocking ants from Phytotron. Protocol here

Completed about 1/3 of heat shock assays. The others will be done by NCSU group on date that colony has spent 8 weeks in phytotron.

Gave seminar to group on Thursday. Discussion of future projects.

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