29 August 2014

DGE, Illumina library prep, and KAPA

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25 -- 29 August notes



  • Library concentration not adequate for Illumina sequencing
  • Ran PCR of Ovation 3’ DGE library to get adequate DNA
  • Used KAPA library quant primer mix as I know it worked for qPCR
  • Evaluating the number of cycles necessary for adequate amplification
  • 4, 6, 8, 10 cycles
  • 0.25 ul of library added to each PCR (diluted in 3.75 ul T10E0.1)
  • included KAPA Illumina Standards 1-3 as controls


Gel image
Gel image

Nothing! Ladder completely clear but no bands…maybe a light light band for Standard 1


Manuscript prep



  • Repeated yesterdays’ attempt at PCR amplification, with changes
  • started with 1 ul DNA in each sample
  • 12, 16, 20 and 24 cycles
  • for fun, ran yesterday’s PCR samples for full 24 cycles


Amplification! All samples and standards show up clearly.

Gel image
Gel image
  • today’s samples (12 – 24 cycles), 16 is clearly darker than 12 cycles, but 20 and 24 do not appear darker.
  • yesterday’s samples (4 – 10 + 24 cycles) look similarly intense
  • size of amplified fragment 300-400bp, which is consistent with expectations given 122bp of adapter sequence added to insert per NuGen
  • appears to be slight shift towards larger fragment sizes with increasing PCR cycles

  • Purified PCR product using MinElute

  • Ran KAPA qPCR on C16 and C20 (1:1000 and 1:2000 dilutions)
  • Beautiful results! Standard r2=0.99

Well Sample.Name Quantity Dilution
A1 Std1 20 9.354 0.001
A2 Std2 2 12.62 5e-04
A3 Std3 0.2 16.9 0.001
A4 Std4 0.02 20.14 5e-04
A5 Std5 0.002 22.4 0.001
A6 Std6 2e-04 26.37 5e-04
A7 C16 121.2 6.597 0.001
A8 C16 50.67 7.917 5e-04
A9 C20 263 5.425 0.001
A10 C20 98.94 6.904 5e-04
B1 Std1 20 8.674 0.001
B2 Std2 2 13.05 5e-04
B3 Std3 0.2 16.62 0.001
B4 Std4 0.02 19.89 5e-04
B5 Std5 0.002 23.22 0.001
B6 Std6 2e-04 27.17 5e-04
B7 C16 134.5 6.439 0.001
B8 C16 58.15 7.709 5e-04
B9 C20 238.5 5.573 0.001
B10 C20 134.5 6.439 5e-04
C7 C16 106 6.8 0.001
C8 C16 71.55 7.395 5e-04
C9 C20 255 5.472 0.001
C10 C20 144.7 6.329 5e-04

Quantification of DNA

Sample.Name KAPA.pM KAPA.nM
C16 181,417 181.42
C20 379,907 379.91

200x increase over un-amplified library! More than enough for sequencing!



To try and limit the number of PCR cycles, and thus potential for bias, in library prep, did a 3rd round of PCR. Used 4 ul of DNA template at 6, 8, 10, 11 (missed 10) cycles.

KAPA library quant

Well Sample.Name Quantity
A1 Std1 20 8.851
A2 Std2 2 12.93
A3 Std3 0.2 16.41
A4 Std4 0.02 19.48
A5 Std5 0.002 22.77
A6 Std6 2e-04 25.67
A7 C6 4.674 11.4
A8 C6 2.009 12.65
A9 C8 13.59 9.824
A10 C8 4.726 11.38
A11 C11 49.46 7.915
A12 C11 21.25 9.163
B1 Std1 20 8.523
B2 Std2 2 13.04
B3 Std3 0.2 16.57
B4 Std4 0.02 19.61
B5 Std5 0.002 23.07
B6 Std6 2e-04 26.2
B7 C6 4.226 11.55
B8 C6 2.212 12.51
B9 C8 12.24 9.979
B10 C8 6.264 10.97
B11 C11 52.57 7.825
B12 C11 21.6 9.139
C7 C6 4.002 11.63
C8 C6 2.806 12.16
C9 C8 16.5 9.538
C10 C8 6.983 10.81
C11 C11 50.42 7.886
C12 C11 26.46 8.84

Library quantification for each PCR sample

Sample.Name KAPA.pM KAPA.nM
C6 6770 6.77
C8 19656 19.66
C11 73091 73.09

Took sample all sample C8 and sent for sequencing - library CC02!

Also dropped off the second ApPopGen ddRADseq library prepared by SHC - diluted to 10nm in 20ul - library CC03.

Created spreadsheet to keep track of all sequencing libraries for Climate Cascade project. Each library will be labeled ‘CCXX’ with XX being digits running sequentially from 01. Saved this spreadsheet in Dropbox /Dropbox/WarmAntDimensions/Genomics/UVM-AGTC-sequencing.csv for collaborators.

  • Feed Grace’s Pogos.


Manuscript…still waiting for workstation to come back online for updates to MS.

## 2014-08-28




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Karasov, T.L., Kniskern, J.M., Gao, L., DeYoung, B.J., Ding, J., Dubiella, U., Lastra, R.O., Nallu, S., Roux, F., Innes, R.W., et al. (2014). The long-term maintenance of a resistance polymorphism through diffuse interactions. Nature 512, 436–440.

Muerdter, F., and Stark, A. (2014). Genomics: Hiding in plain sight. Nature 512, 374–375.

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