02 December 2013

shell, transcriptome, and ddRADseq

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Monday notes

Over Thanksgiving break, completed running Trinity on digitally-normalized reads. Script here.

Comparison of Trinity transcriptome assemblies

Assembly Total trinity transcripts Total trinity components Contig N50
Trinity-full 126172 96093 1631
Trinity-diginorm 143078 88080 2047

The diginorm assembly has more total transcripts, but fewer components. Interesting…

Trying to evaluate similiary among assemblies using BLAST.

Damn - ran into memory limits with R!

Error: C stack usage is too close to the limit

Increase limit using

 ulimit -s 16384 # enlarge stack limit to 16 megs
 # check R memory limit
 R --slave -e 'Cstack_info()["size"]'

Better solutions:

  • simply read as table…no memory problems. wonder what read.blast() does that causes these problems
  • run blast with flags to keep only matches with significant evals and only keep top hit

    blastn … -max_target_seqs 1 -evalue 1e-20

This reduces blast results table from 681k lines to 115k

Even better

Use Trinity provided script to compare assemblies

# Make BLAST database for diginorm assembly
makeblastdb -dbtype nucl -in ../results/trinity/Trinity.fasta

# BLAST full assembly against diginorm assembly
blastn -query ../results/trinity-full/Trinity.fasta -db ../results/trinity/Trinity.fasta -evalue 1e-20 -max_target_seqs 1 -outfmt 6 -out blast-full-vs-diginorm.txt

# Examine percent of diginorm target length aligned to best matching transcript in full assembly
/opt/software/trinityrnaseq_r2013_08_14/util/analyze_blastPlus_topHit_coverage.pl blast-full-vs-diginorm.txt ../results/trinity/Trinity.fasta ../results/trinity/Trinity.fasta

Table of percent length of diginorm assembly transcripts aligned by full assembly transcripts

hit_pct_cov_bin count_in_bin >bin_below
100 73880 73880
90 5925 79805
80 5382 85187
70 3800 88987
60 2989 91976
50 1607 93583
40 1157 94740
30 1060 95800
20 1053 96853
10 0 96853
0 0 96853
  • Of 143,078 transcripts in diginorm assembly, 96,853 (68%) have significant matches to transcripts in full assembly
  • 73,880 (76%) are 100 percent matches
  • 85,187 (88%) have greater than 80% length alignment

Table of percent length of full assembly transcripts aligned by diginorm assembly transcripts

hit_pct_cov_bin count_in_bin >bin_below
100 80308 80308
90 4381 84689
80 3277 87966
70 2664 90630
60 2189 92819
50 1218 94037
40 828 94865
30 554 95419
20 390 95809
10 0 95809
0 0 98509
  • Of 126,172 transcripts in full assembly, 98509 (78%) have matches in diginorm assembly
  • 80,308 (82%) are 100 percent matches
  • 87,966 (89%) have greater than 80% length alignment

NOTE the diginorm assembly includes 100 in silico spike-in sequences that do not exist in full assembly…plan to use these to computationally check assembly. need to remove for fair comparison

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