John Stanton-Geddes;
25 October 2013
These forces will change allele frequencies in a population
What is the mutation rate for humans?
Conrad et al. (2011) doi:10.1038/ng.862
Individuals with specific genotypes move in or out of a population
Source-sink population dynamics
Excoffier and Ray (2008) 10.1016/j.tree.2008.04.004
# Set up parameters
N = 20 # number of diploid individuals
N.chrom = 2*N # number of chromosomes
p = .2; q = 1-p
N.gen = 100 # number of generations
N.sim = 5 # number of simulations
# Simulation
X = array(0, dim=c(N.gen,N.sim))
X[1,] = rep(N.chrom*p,N.sim) # initialize number of A1 alleles in first generation
for(j in 1:N.sim){
for(i in 2:N.gen){
X[i,j] = rbinom(1,N.chrom,prob=X[i-1,j]/N.chrom)
X = data.frame(X/N.chrom)
Certain phenotypes are more likely to survive or have offspring
stabilizing selection
diversifying selection
How strong would selection need to be to remove “meanness” assuming