Second day of teaching Heather’s classes
Regulation of gene expression. Lecture slides here and case study on quorum sensing. Note for future: ran out of time and only got through section 1 of the case study.
Population Genetics
Tutorial on using TASSEL for GWA mapping. PDF here. Note that TASSEL requires Java 7 installed on computer, and Mac users need to manually force the program to run (Ctl-click on file).
Biology seminar
Brian McGill
- community assembly
- regional pool
- sampling with clumping
- functional traits
- traits are hierarchical
- low-level traits (e.g. easy to measure ‘functional’ traits have low correlations and lower heritability. not necessarily indicative of the higher-level traits that may be predictive for species functioning and response
- coordination among axes?
- climate responses
- non-stationarity: climate responses not consistent across species distribution
- Gause Leibig
- plot abundance against environmental variable. for any single environmental variable, most points fall below 90% line (lower abundance than expected), but these points are at line for another environmental variable.
- can detect limiting factor at any point across range using this method
- very cool result after being challenged by David Currier(?), McGill examined species abundance distributions in paleo records and compared to present distributions. intra-ocular test showed substantial change in niche envelope for most species. that is, little evidence for niche conservatism
- competition interacts w/climate
- filtering acts on individuals, so community assembly is at individual level