15 August 2014
DGE, Illumina library prep, haplotype imputation, BEAGLE, and KAPA
Next post Previous postOvation DGE for eight samples.
Contacted Ashesh at Nugen Tech Support
uses oligo(T) to initiate the first strand synthesis. The length of the product is determined by the processivity of the reverse transcriptase. This is the reason that you get cDNA of varying lengths. When you fragment the cDNA you will have fragments that are adjacent to the poly(A) and fragment further upstream depending on the size of the initially generated cDNA. There is no specific selection of just fragments proximal to the poly(A) tail.
I would recommend using 1ug of cDNA as input into the Encore Rapid library system. You should fragment at least 1.5 ug of cDNA and then purify the fragmented cDNA. The purified, fragmented cDNA should be quantified and 1ug of the fragmented cDNA used as input into the library construction system.
So - this DGE protocol is not only a single tag per transcript, but simply a reduced length cDNA transcript?!? Not quite as efficient as I thought/hoped.
Desktop can’t process whole chr8 file - workstation still in shop. Working with smaller test file.
Export to VCF
bcftools view -f PASS -r chr5:1000-6000 -O v -o test.vcf chr5-filtered-set-2014Apr15.bcf
Convert to BEAGLE format using Beagle utility program
cat test.vcf | java -jar vcf2beagle.jar ? BeagleTest
java -Xmx1000m -jar beagle.jar unphased=BeagleTest.bgl.gz missing=? out=BeagleTest
Qubit cDNA assay results
Sample | ng/ul |
07-B-CT | 69 |
11-C-CT | 104 |
15-A-CT | 77 |
20-C-CT | 64.6 |
26-C-CT | 27.3 |
07-A-HS | 32.7 |
07-B-HS | 0.7 |
11-C-HS | 7.1 |
Samples 1 - 4 had > 60 ng/ul with 2 ul in 198 working solution, diluted 2x by adding another 200 ul Qubit DNA buffer to get readings.
Ovation library prep
Number | Sample | stock (ng/ul) | volume for 1.5ug (ul) | actually added (ul) |
1 | 08-D-CT | >60 | 25 | 30 |
2 | 15-B-HS | 26.9 | 55.8 | 25 |
3 | 05-B-HS | 18.0 | 83.3 | 25 |
4 | 07-B-CT | 69 | 21.74 | 21.8 |
5 | 11-C-CT | 104 | 14.4 | 14.4 |
6 | 15-A-CT | 77 | 19.5 | 19.5 |
7 | 20-C-CT | 64.6 | 23.2 | 23.2 |
8 | 26-C-CT | 27.3 | 55.0 | 25 |
9 | 07-A-HS | 32.7 | 45.9 | 28 |
10 | 11-C-HS | 7.13 | 210.4 | 28 |
11 | J3-A | 104 | 15 | 15 |
12 | J3-B | 104 | 15 | 1 |
13 | J2-A | 215 | 7 | 5 |
14 | J2-B | 215 | 7 | 1 |
15 | J1 | 194 | 7.7 | 5 |
16 | J4 | 34.2 | 43.8 | 25 |
Discussed questions about DGE from Ashesh’s email with SCH. Possibility of using un-fragmented DNA. In this case, only ~50% of reads would be useful - those that map to 3’ end of transcript. If used paired-end sequencing, might be able to use pair to anchor read to transcript. Might be a problem with using fragments of varying length in Illumina…
UVM-AGTC: Problems with Bioanalyzer for fragmented DNA - possible contaminant that is masking ladder and making it difficult to get clear trace.
Number | Sample s | tock (ng/ul) |
1 | 08-D-CT | 102 |
2 | 15-B-HS | 132 |
3 | 05-B-HS | 106 |
4 | 07-B-CT | 93 |
5 | 11-C-CT | 94 |
6 | 15-A-CT | 90 |
7 | 20-C-CT | 98 |
8 | 26-C-CT | 27.8 |
9 | 07-A-HS | 139 |
10 | 11-C-HS | 0 |
11 | J3-A | 41 |
12 | J3-B | 1.3 |
13 | J2-A | 23 |
14 | J2-B | 1.2 |
15 | J1 | 26 |
16 | J4 | 63 |
DGE library JSG001
Number | Sample | Barcode | Sequence |
1 | 08-D-CT | L2DR01 | AAGGGA |
2 | 15-B-HS | L2DR02 | CCTTCA |
3 | 05-B-HS | L2DR03 | GGACCC |
4 | 07-B-CT | L2DR04 | TTCAGC |
5 | 11-C-CT | L2DR05 | AAGACG |
6 | 15-A-CT | L2DR06 | CCTCGG |
7 | 20-C-CT | L2DR07 | GGATGT |
8 | 26-C-CT | L2DR08 | TTCGCT |
9 | 07-A-HS | L2DR09 | ACACGA |
10 | J3-A | L2DR10 | CACACA |
11 | J2-A | L2DR11 | GTGTTA |
12 | J1 | L2DR12 | TGTGAA |
13 | J4 | L2DR13 | ACAAAC |
14 | J1-P | L2DR14 | CACCTC |
15 | J2-P | L2DR15 | GTGGCC |
Kappa Library Quant qPCR - called tech support to ask if I could use the kit we ordered for LightCycler 480 with new ABS StepOnePlus (S1P) - Yes! S1P uses a reference dye (Rox High) while the LightCycler did not. Simply need to turn off reference dye in S1P settings. To do this, under Plate Settings
select the Assign Target and Samples
tab. In bottom-right, set Reference Dye to None
- Could result in more jagged curves, not as smooth as with reference dye - For future, order KK4835 - Very good tech support from Kappa!
Meeting with Tim Hunter and Scott Tighe
UseR was this week - information via Twitter:
KAPA Library Quantification qPCR
Reagent | Volume (ul) |
KAPA master mix | 12 |
H2O | 4 |
DNA/standard | 4 |
Calculated concentration of undiluted library stock (pM):
\[ C = \overline{quantity} \times \frac{452}{200} \times Dilution^-1 \]
where 200 is the average fragment length.
Number | Sample | pM |
1 | 08-D-CT | 198 |
2 | 15-B-HS | 4,144 |
3 | 05-B-HS | 257 |
4 | 07-B-CT | 905 |
5 | 11-C-CT | 948 |
6 | 15-A-CT | 1,858 |
7 | 20-C-CT | 1,840 |
8 | 26-C-CT | 828 |
9 | 07-A-HS | 1,154 |
10 | J3-A | 674 |
11 | J2-A | 554 |
12 | J1 | 481 |
13 | J4 | 685 |
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