10 September 2014

EC2 and Docker

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Wednesday 10 September notes

Open science

Pondering on the merits of Docker and virtual machines (Amazon machine image; AMI), found this thread on r-opensci google group.

I asked:

My question: what’s the advantage of Docker over an amazon EC2 machine image?

I’ve moved my analyses to EC2 for better than my local university cluster. Doesn’t my machine image achieve Carl’s acid test of allowing others to build and extend on work? What do I gain by making a Dockerfile on my already existing EC2 image? Being new to all this, the only clear advantage I see is a Dockerfile is much smaller than a machine image, but this seems like a rather trivial concern in comparison to 100s of gigs of sequence data associated with my project.

Prompt replies from Titus Brown:

the argument here – ivory.idyll.org/blog/vms-considered-harmful.html – which I have apparently failed to make simply and clearly, judging by the hostile reactions over the years ;) – is that it doesn’t really matter which approach you choose, so much as whether or not the approach you do choose permits understanding and remixing. So I would argue that neither an AMI nor a fully-baked Docker image is sufficient; what I really want is a recipe. In that sense the Docker community seems to be doing a better job of setting cultural expectations than the VM community: for Docker, typically you provide some sort of install recipe for the whole thing, which is the recipe I’m looking for. tl; dr? No technical advantage, but maybe different cultural expectations.

and in detail from Carl Boettiger:

Nice to hear from you and thanks for joining the discussion. You ask a very key question that ties into a much more general discussion about reproducibility and virtual machines. Below I try and summarize what I think are the promising features of Docker. I don’t think this means it is the solution, but I do think it illustrates some very useful steps forward to important issues in reproducibility and virtualization. Remember, Docker is still a very young and rapidly evolving platform.

  1. Remix. Titus has an excellent post, “Virtual Machines Considered Harmful for reproducibility” 1 , essentially pointing out that “you can’t install an image for every pipeline you want…”. In contrast, Docker containers are designed to work exactly like that – reusable building blocks you can link together with very little overhead in disk space or computation. This more than anything else sets Docker apart from the standard VM approach.

  2. Provisioning scripts. Docker images are not ‘black boxes’. A “Dockerfile” is a simple make-like script which installs all the software necessary to re-create (“provision”) the image. This has many advantages: (a) The script is much smaller and more portable than the image. (b) the script can be version managed (c) the script gives a human readable (instead of binary) description of what software is installed and how. This also avoids pitfalls of traditional documentation of dependencies that may be too vague or out-of-sync.
  1. Other users can build on, modify, or extend the script for their own needs. All of this is what we call the he “DevOpts” approach to provisioning, and can be done with AMIs or other virtual machines using tools like Ansible, Chef, or Puppet coupled with things like Packer or Vagrant (or clever use of make and shell scripts).

For a much better overview of this “DevOpts” approach in the reproducible research context and a gentle introduction to these tools, I highly recommend taking a look at Clark et al 2.

  1. You can run the docker container locally. I think this is huge. In my experience, most researchers do their primary development locally. By running RStudio-server on your laptop, it isn’t necessary for me to spin up an EC2 instance (with all the knowledge & potential cost that requires). By sharing directories between Docker and the host OS, a user can still use everything they already know – their favorite editor, moving files around with the native OS finder/browser, using all local configurations, etc, while still having the code execution occur in the container where the software is precisely specified and portable. Whenever you need more power, you can then deploy the image on Amazon, DigitalOcean, a bigger desktop, your university HPC cluster, your favorite CI platform, or wherever else you want your code to run. [On Mac & Windows, this uses something called boot2docker, and was not very seamless early on. It has gotten much better and continues to improve.

  2. Versioned images. In addition to version managing the Dockerfile, the images themselves are versioned using a git-like hash system (check out: docker commit, docker push/pull, docker history, docker diff, etc). They have metadata specifying the date, author, parent image, etc. We can roll back an image through the layers of history of its construction, then build off an earlier layer. This also allows docker to do all sorts of clever things, like avoiding downloading redundant software layers from the docker hub. (If you pull a bunch of images that all build on ubuntu, you don’t get n copies of ubuntu you have to download and store). Oh yeah, and hosting your images on Docker hub is free (no need to pay for an S3 bucket… for now?) and supports automated builds based on your dockerfiles, which acts as a kind of CI for your environment. Versioning and diffimages is a rather nice reproducibility feature.

If you want to try running RStudio server from docker, I have a little overview in: https://github.com/ropensci/docker


Still getting EC2 instance up and running for analysis. 200GB volume wasn’t large enough for extracted fastq files, so had to expand volume and extend file system to 300GB.

Extracted tar archive of trimmed fastq files to expanded volume.

Created R script (scripts/sailfish_quantification.R) to perform gene expression quantification. Used code previously in tech report that I removed to separate the bioinformatic processing from the R analysis (commit c9e27ad89847dd7f2291a12a3dcae25bbc64e483) with plan to make expression data itself downloadable as this is much smaller to store and easier to work with. The general idea is that the expression data itself could be recreated from the raw reads themselves available from short-read archive.


Continuing analysis using haplosim.r function. First commit of script into repository:


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